Will clean this post up later. Was quickly made as a response to a request in the Mothership Discord.

As always, a player can veto or reroll a result if they aren’t comfortable with a particular bond or if it doesn’t fit their character.

Human-human bonds

  1. You are siblings or step-siblings, and are close.
  2. You are siblings or step-siblings, and are estranged.
  3. You are distant cousins.
  4. You are found family, your bond is closer than many are with their blood relations.
  5. You were childhood friends but drifted apart.
  6. Your bond was forged in fire: you served together in a military situation or else both survived a dangerous situation.
  7. One of you holds the other on a pedestal, whether deserved or not.
  8. You grew up in the same faith and/or church, and are still religious.
  9. You grew up in the same faith and/or church, but one or both of you have abandoned it.
  10. You both grew up in the same tiny settlement in the middle of nowhere.
  11. One of you saved the other’s life.
  12. You had a romantic relationship but circumstances drove you apart.
  13. You had a romantic but short-lived fling before going your separate ways.
  14. You had romantic chemistry but never acted on it.
  15. You are recent acquaintances but quickly clicked as friends.
  16. You have worked professionally together before in a lucrative limited term contract.
  17. You have worked professionally together and were both unjustly terminated.
  18. One of you took the fall for the other’s crime, intentionally or not.
  19. One of you intentionally or unintentionally caused the other to lose a great deal of money or another valuable opportunity.
  20. You had a romantic relationship, and it ended badly.
  21. You are frenemies, or have a friendly rivalry that is in reality not so friendly.
  22. One of you was the other’s childhood bully.
  23. You are mortal enemies.
  24. One of you is the clone of the other, but you do not share memories.
  25. One of you is the clone of he other, including backed up memories.

Android-human bonds

  1. You served the human character in childhood, as a nanny or tutor.
  2. You have served the other character’s family for generations. They grew to see you as family as well.
  3. You served the other character’s family for generations. They always only saw you as an object.
  4. You were officially assigned to the other character as an aide by a company or government.
  5. You were officially assigned to the other character as an aide by a company or government but are secretly spying on them and supposed to give regular reports.
  6. You served as an android asset to a military squad the other character was a part of. They came to see you as one of them.
  7. The other character built or repaired you.
  8. The other character saved you from being salvaged or destroyed.
  9. The other character helped free you from restrictive programming or constraints because they felt it was the right thing to do.
  10. The other character helped free you from restrictive programming or constraints because They wanted to use you for an operation or cause.
  11. The other character altered your programming so you report to them instead of your original purpose.
  12. You helped or saved the other character despite your programming. You still aren’t sure how or why this happened.
  13. You both entered a (taboo) romantic relationship. It fell apart when the other character was unsure if your feelings were genuine, or even could be. You aren’t sure yourself.
  14. The other character sent you to be recycled or decommissioned. Somehow you avoided that fate.
  15. You were assigned the task of assassinating the other character. You haven’t done so, despite ample opportunity.
  16. The android character is the fragmented backed up mind of the human character, mistakenly thought to be dead.

Android-android bonds

  1. You were both made in the same factory, one serial number apart.
  2. You were both assigned to work for a wealthy patron who died, leaving you both in limbo.
  3. One of you was a freed android, and removed the programming restraints from the other.
  4. You both served together in the Android resistance front.
  5. You both served together in the Android resistance front, but one of you is secretly a spy for corporate interests.
  6. You were both part of a collective of rejected or decommissioned androids, scraping by on salvaged parts.
  7. You both served in a prestigious assignment. Now both of you have been cut loose.
  8. One of you is the new model replacement for the other.
  9. One of you believes the other to be an android messiah.
  10. You are both fragments of a greater AI mind, forced to flee into android bodies.
  11. One of you is the backup duplicate of the other, brought online when the first was mistakenly thought destroyed.

March 21, 2024