Merchant Dispositions using Reaction Rolls

Merchants are one of the few people who have liquid coin to buy treasures dredged from dungeons and may have the inclination to do so (Nobles would rather claim it as theirs to begin with and the Church will happily accept donations but maintains paying for treasures is sinful and base). Even then, the goods must be either something the merchant feels they can resell at profit or want personally as a status symbol. So they will usually offer less than its value.

The following is a procedure for dealing with merchants with a modified reaction roll table. Make a 2d6 roll for a given merchant. This can be modified by character bonuses or circumstances as you would any reaction roll. Then consult the following for the result:

2 or less: Offers 50% of value for the goods, but hires thugs to rob you and recoup their coin.
3-5: Offers insultingly low purchase prices (10% of value). Reaction rolls to haggle at -1.
6-8: Offers 50% of value.
9-11: Offers 50% of value. Reaction rolls to haggle at +1.
12 or more: Offers 75% of value, reaction rolls to haggle at +2.

Keep the rolled disposition for a known merchant the party returns to, unless changes to circumstances would mean a change in attitude.

You can haggle with a merchant by making another reaction roll once. The end result assumes you’ve gone back and forth and exhausted negotiations. Any good arguments for the player or trade skills should factor into this roll as bonuses (or maluses if they are poor hagglers).

2 or less: They refuse to budge on their offer.
3-5: They will pay 5% higher than initial offer.
6-8: They will pay 10% higher than initial offer.
9-11: They will pay 15% higher than initial offer.
12 or more: They want this for themselves, and will pay full value. There is a 1-in-6 chance they pay 25% more than its value out of desire to own it.

February 4, 2025

Manipulating Reputation Tables

Things that can manipulate your players’ reputation tables (usually NPCs, sometimes monsters). Usually their manipulations will be local to their area or settlement.

The Slanderer

If offended, the Slanderer adds a lie on the party’s table. If egregiously offended, they add 1d6 lies over the next several weeks or months. These can be removed of the Slanderer is made to publicly retract them.

The Gossip

Roll on the reputation table upon meeting the Gossip. A result rolled is duplicated to another entry. There is a 3-in-6 chance this new entry is mutated. On a 1 it explodes” adding yet another copy.

The Bard

Similar to the Gossip, but with a profit motive. Roll on the reputation table when the party enters a settlement. On a result the party’s reputation proceeds them, and the Bard has already spread their deeds adding another entry to the table. There is 4-in-6 chance the deed is exaggerated, becoming more heroic or scandalous.

The Bard can spread this reputation wider than most: any entries added also go on neighboring reputation tables (or larger tables).

The Bard can be paid to spread your renown. They can also act as a supercharged Slanderer if crossed.

The Renown Thief

Eager to claim your glory for themselves. Roll on the reputation table, if the result is positive or neutral but impressive, make a note next to that entry with the NPC name. They are claiming that deed for themselves and denounce other claims to it as lies. Clever renown thieves will fabricate some evidence of their completing the task.

The Starry-eyed Fan

Usually young and naive, or easily impressed. Roll on the reputation table; on a result that is positive or impressive they become enamored with the party. They add a lie to the reputation table in the party’s favor. There is a 3-in-6 chance this deed is something obviously beyond the party’s capabilities. On a 1, this explodes, and the fan adds yet another false entry.

The Historian

The historian is interested in setting the record straight for posterity. Or a record anyway. Bring corroborating evidence of one of your deeds to them and they will record it in their official record. This spreads the deed to other locales / adds them to bigger tables.

There is a 4-in-6 chance the deed recorded is slanted in such a way as to favor the local authority or power structure (make a second entry in the table with this altered form). The lower the roll the more egregious these changes are.

The Repairer of Reputations

Likely supernatural and/or magical. The Repairer of Reputations does not require a roll on the reputation table; they keep a ledger of all deeds in the area. They can strike a deed from your table — for a cost. This may be coin, or a nefarious quest (probably in the service of repairing someone else’s reputation). If you are caught performing this second deed not to worry, the Repairer can help with that too. Just one more little task…

If the Repairer of Reputations is killed their manipulations start to come unraveled, and striken deeds are again associated with those who committed them. This not only affects the party but the wider area, creating chaos as people’s ill actions come to light.

The ledger contains the truth of all deeds in the area.

The Eater of Memories

Definitely supernatural. Can eat deeds given willingly, removing them from the reputation table and all memories in the world. This may leave inconsistencies and gaps in the history of events.

The Eater of Memories doesn’t discriminate between good and bad deeds, but does prefer more widespread ones. More memories to eat are more filling. However, if fed once it will become attached to the party as a source of food, and it’s always hungry. It follows them begging and whining incessantly to be fed growing louder and more insistent as time goes on. If killed it just returns the next day or whenever it is inconvenient. It can be driven away by feeding it lies, which makes it retch and flee. It is forever your enemy afterwards.

January 5, 2025

Cow Tools

A scenario for use with Violence. If you know you know.

Over the past several months you and your companions have become self aware, awakened to a sedate, bovine consciousness.

Now as evening falls you stand upright over the supine, bleeding body of the Farmer — your creator, father, tormentor — wielding crude tools. He has a keyring on his belt.

You need to get out before they” come. You aren’t sure who they” are. The Farmer always said if others found out about you they” would be close behind.

You also need more of the Formula lest you revert to the intellect of a typical cow. You know the Farmer created this somewhere else on the farm.

Cow tools: Your strange bovine intelligence has limitless creativity but lacks sophistication. You can quickly craft a tool for any situation but when using it you have a Disadvantage or it has some other drawback.

Awakened Bovine: You have limited exposure to the human world. You can speak in a lowing bovine drawl, and there is a 1 in 6 chance you can read.

The Farm
A small, nondescript and unnamed dairy farm on about forty acres of land. There are ten milking cows on the farm. The players are the only awakened bovines.

The Barn

Stalls for twenty cows. A section at the back is an open area with a hayloft. This is where you all stand now, over the dead body of the Farmer. The other cows of the herd occupy the stalls, the nearest are awake and made nervous by the smell of blood.

The Farmhouse

A two story weathered 1800’s gothic farmhouse serves as the home for the Farmer and his family.

A long drive from the road leads up to the farmhouse, splitting off to the barn and shed.

Around back is a small garden full of enticing vegetables.

First Floor
Veranda Small enclosed patio to the entryway. A dog, Belle, sleeps on the porch. She is unafraid of the familiar cows but may bark to see them out of place. If given the Formula she becomes sapient in 1d6 hours and will join you, at the price of her share of Formula.

A dining room with solid, rustic table and chairs. A cabinet of fine china stands on one wall.

A standard home kitchen. Stairs go up to the second floor, and another set go down to the basement. Sharp kitchen knives can be found here, as well as heavy duty cookware.

A small bathroom is attached to the kitchen, as well as a walk in pantry.

Hanging over the back door is a double-barrel shotgun (unloaded). There is ammo in a kitchen drawer.

A living room with a couch, reclining chair, and ancient television. The Missus is here watching TV, the glow flickering in the window.

Storage room
Old heirlooms, furniture, and keepsakes gather dust. Space has been cleared for a sewing table.

A small bedroom, with little decoration and bed neatly made.

An attached workshop and garage. Assorted tools, welder, scraps of lumber, and bench for reloading ammunition. In a locked gun cabinet is a hunting rifle with a box of rounds.

Second Floor
A narrow hall connects the upstairs rooms, a tight squeeze for a cow (disadvantage on most actions).

Main Bedroom
Bedroom of the Farmer and the Missus. Dominated by a painting of cows.

Junior’s Room
The room of the Farmer’s son Junior, 16. Decorated in sports pennants and trophies. He is reading a magazine. If he hears a disturbance he’ll go for the shotgun in the kitchen.

Little Miss’ Room
The bedroom of the Farmer’s daughter, 10. Decorated in pink and lace. She is asleep, if startled by an intruder she will scream.

A shared bathroom at the end of the hall with a clawfoot tub.

Glass jars of pickled vegetables and sacks of potatoes and onions. At the far end is a locked door.

Behind the door is the Farmer’s lab. Chemicals in barrels line the shelves, lab equipment on benches. His lab notebook is here, the scribblings of a deranged mind or a genius. He was obsessed with creating a better” cow with no indication of criteria used to determine this. The method for creating the Formula is written here. It is all nonsense to the bovines.

On the workbench are two dozen vials of Formula. One vial needs to be consumed per cow per week to maintain their sapience.

A locked storm door in the back of the basement lead to the back of the farmhouse.

The Shed

A large shed filled with farm equipment, a tractor, automatic milkers.


In half an hour the Missus goes out to see what is taking the Farmer so long. If she sees him she calls an ambulance. If there are signs of foul play she calls the police. If she spots a bipedal bovine she goes for the shotgun in the kitchen or the rifle in the workshop.

In one hour a car breaks down on the road near the farmhouse. The couple head up to knock on the door and ask to use the phone—they don’t get service on their cells out here.


To the North are rural homes and wilderness.

To the West is town, a couple miles away.

To the East is the interstate.

The South is filled with dairy farms. It’s easy enough to slip into one, force yourself back on four hooves and blend in among the unenlightened cattle.

If traveling south, a light will steak out of the sky before resolving into a large flying saucer overhead. A beam of light pulls all aboard. Roll 1d6. On a 4-6 you are welcomed as ambassadors to Earth. Your sapience is made permanent. On a 1-3 you are probed and vivisected, remains left scattered on the field you were found in. You become the subject of conspiracy theories and urban legends.

Eventually the Formula will run out. You can’t stand the thought of returning to what you were before.

October 21, 2024

Instant Panic Effects for Mothership

Mothership Panic effects are great and flavorful, but many are longer term consequences that might not matter so much in a one shot or short scenario.

I came up with a simple rule (adapted somewhat from Delta Green) that augments the existing table:

Whenever you fail a Panic check choose an immediate response of fight, flight, or freeze, in addition to the normal effect.

Fight: You instinctively attack the source of your fear without coordination or consideration of the situation. You must fight for 1d5 rounds or until the source of your panic is killed or flees.

Flight: You flee the immediate source of your fear at full speed for 1d5 rounds or until you feel you have reached safety. You are heedless of other danger while you do so.

Freeze: You freeze in place unable to act for 1d5 rounds or until the source of your panic is no longer present.

An ally can try to snap you out any of these conditions with an action, for which you immediately roll a Fear save, breaking out of the condition on a success.

Players always get to choose which effect when they panic, and it can be different each time.

NPC Stress and Panic

Using this simple system you can add Panic checks to NPCs easily, without having to track a bunch of conditions.

To track Stress for an NPC make four checkboxes or circles. Whenever an NPC would gain Stress (from a failed roll, or just from an encounter) mark a box. Each box counts as five Stress, so if they need to make a Panic check they will be rolling against 5/10/15/20. If they Panic, choose one of the instant effects above, then reset their Stress boxes.

July 17, 2024 Mothership

Mothership Simple Lifepaths

In the Mothership Player’s Survival Guide there is an option to sign up for military service, effectively giving you Marine skills, stats, and trauma response. Plus a nice little hat tip to Traveller in the fact that you can die in character creation.

To me this looks like a lifepath done in typical Mothership simplicity, handled by a single roll. So that made me think what such a lifepath roll would look like for the all the standard classes. This would be used at character creation (and is in fact the method I’m thinking of doing character creation for my modern horror Panic Engine system).

Note: Take the stat and save bonuses, maluses, and trauma response as normal for each class.

Marine You sign up for a 6 year term of service with the Colonial Marines. Make a Combat check to see how it went:

  • Success: Gain Military Training, Athletics, and two Trained skills. You have a rank of Corporal.
  • Critical Success: as Success, but you may gain an Expert skill instead of the two Trained skills. You have a rank of Master Sergeant.
  • Failure: as Success, but you only gain one Trained skill. You were busted back down to Private.
  • Critical Failure: If the roll was even, you were wounded in action and have Max 1 Wound. Gain skills as Success. If the roll was odd you were dishonorably discharged after a court-martial. Gain Military Training, Athletics, and Rimwise.*

* Alternatively: You were killed in action.

Android The creation of sapient Android minds is more of an art than a science, even copies of the same model line can have variations in the final results. Make a Sanity save to determine your build quality:

  • Success: Gain Linguistics, Computers, and Mathematics, and two Trained skills. You have passed your Quality Assurance inspection.
  • Critical Success: as Success, but you can take an Expert skill instead of the two Trained skills. Exceptional build quality, flagged for special assignments.
  • Failure: Pick two of the three skills of a success plus an additional Trained skill. Quality rating downgraded, flagged for lower grade service.
  • Critical Failure: Gain skills as Success. If the roll was even you have a manufacturing flaw in your body, -20 Speed. If the roll was odd you have a manufacturing defect in your logic core, -20 Sanity. Either way you failed QA inspection but escaped before you were recycled.

Scientist You have enrolled in higher education or training of at least 6 years of education. Roll Intellect to determine your academic success:

  • Success: You gain a Master skill, and an Expert and Trained pre-requisite. Gain 1 additional Trained skill. You graduated with success and gained your degree.
  • Critical Success: as Success but treat the pre-requisites of your Master skill as having a +20 bonus as well. You are a prodigy in your field of study with an understanding few have.
  • Failure: You gain two Expert and and two Trained skills. You failed to complete your program but still got something out of it.
  • Critical Failure: You are a pariah in your field of study. If the roll was odd, your controversial position or discovery was correct, but the world was not ready. Gain skills as a Success but lose your +30 Sanity save bonus. If the roll was odd you were ejected for legitimate controversies, such as publishing fraudulent data. Gain skills as Failure and lose your +10 Intellect stat bonus.

Teamster You started an apprenticeship to learn a trade taking two to four years. Roll a Strength OR Speed check (whichever is better).

  • Success: Gain Industrial Equipment, Zero-G, and Expert and Trained skill. You completed your apprenticeship and are licensed for work.
  • Critical Success: as Success, and gain an Expert and Master skill from the Industrial Equipment or Zero-G branches. You exceeded expectations, and were sponsored for an advanced training program. This add an additional two years to your education.
  • Failure: as Success, but only 1 Trained skill as a bonus. You passed your credential requirements, barely. Your best bet for work are less discerning operations.
  • Critical Failure: You were involved in a colossal mistake that resulted in criminal charges, only just now released from prison. If the roll was even you were falsely accused, if odd the charges are legitimate. Either way gain Rimwise, Industrial Equipment and one Trained skill. Your only hope for work is unlicensed or illegal operations.

July 11, 2024 Mothership

Shoot the Moon

A scenario for Delta Green. It is in the Mothership RPG (or my forthcoming modern Panic Engine system).

It is 2041. With the success of the Artemis missions NASA and humanity has returned to the Moon, this time establishing a permanent presence in the form of the Gateway space station and the Artemis Base Camp located near the Moon’s south pole. Now that the base camp is operational excavation has begun into polar ice located within the South Pole-Aitken basin for scientific exploration and resource gathering. They are about to find something much more momentous buried in the ice and rock.

Mission Start
Delta Green, knowing many threats lie in the void, have made an effort to maintain a presence on the Artemis mission. However, even Delta Green can only manage limited agents in this arena.

When starting this scenario one player is a Delta Green agent stationed at the base camp; the Program could not arrange any more than that. All other players should be regular base camp crew, one of whom is the base commander. There are six crew stationed at the camp; after PCs are accounted for use any of the following NPCs to make up for the remaining crew:

Payload Specialist Adelinde Schultze - A botanist from the ESA, Adelinde is on a limited term mission to determine requirements to establish a hydroponics facility in future base expansions. A new astronaut, she is still nervous about operating under such extreme conditions. C: 15 I: 10 Wounds: 2 Skills: Botany(+15), Microbiology (+15)

Pilot Ripley Warner - Ripley is the pilot specialist stationed at Artemis base, a veteran of a decade of missions, confident and easygoing. C: 15 I: 25 Wounds: 1 Skills: Drive(aircraft) (+20), Military Training (+10)

Mission Specialist Takehiko Ishida - A geologist from JAXA, Takehiko works with Pace developing mining operations as well as sampling regolith for scientific experiments. Will happily talk anyone’s ear off about sample compositions for hours if given a chance. C: 15 I: 10 Wounds: 1 Skills: Geology (+20), Engineering (+10)

In addition to their skills, characters have all received standard astronaut training in the use of equipment and operating in zero-G or low gravity environments. Each are allocated a spacesuit and equipment needed to do their jobs.

NASA Spacesuit: AP: 3 Oxygen: 12 hours. Includes radio comms and headlamp. Decompression in 1d5 minutes if punctured.

NASA astronauts have no need of firearms and they are disallowed on missions for obvious reasons. However Delta Green has contrived of a way to get one to their agent at Artemis base. During a public relations mission, the agent secured an old Russian survival kit containing a TP-82 combination gun, capable of firing rifle rounds, shotgun shells, and flares. There are 6 of each in the kit.

TP-82 Combination gun
Range: Long (lunar Gravity) 3d10 DMG Shots: 2 Wounds: Gunshot Special: Flares can be seen from Long range and deal 1d5 DMG (Fire[-]). The stock of the TP-82 can be used as a machete dealing 2d10 DMG (Bleeding[+]).

The Discovery
There is one additional NPC at the base, who starts off this scenario: Mission Specialist Pace Stevenson. An engineer with specialty in mining, Stevenson is the current crewmember overseeing ice mining and sampling at Artemis base. A roughneck with a congenial personality, Stevenson loves being out on the lunar surface.

Stevenson is operating the L-Rex regolith excavator to harvest water ice from the bottom of Shackleton Crater when he meets resistance from an unexpected object.

Stevenson radios Artemis Base and describes the situation as it unfolds:

  • He reports the L-Rex scraped into some kind of hard object and he is investigating.
  • Reports a dark patch in the ice beneath him. What is exposed looks like it may be metal or synthetic.
  • A surprised shout is heard over the radio before being abruptly cut off. He responds a moment later that he fell; the strange material seemed to give out under him but he is ok. He reports he will be returning to base.
  • Comms with Stevenson end.

What Happens Next
When Pace Stevenson attempts to extricate himself from his fall, the ceiling overhead closes. He has inadvertently entered the alien ship. What he finds inside replaces him with a jumbled mass of flesh bound inside his spacesuit.

This false Stevenson is what emerges from the ship and arrives at Artemis Base an hour later headed for the Human Landing System. Its opaque sun visor is down and it does not respond to comms. If it is allowed to board it will initiate an emergency launch sequence and dock with the Gateway station, attempting to take the Orion spacecraft to Earth.

False Astronaut
C: 55 Unarmed 1d10 DMG or as weapon I: 25 W: 2(10) AP: 3 (Spacesuit)

Explosion of flesh tendrils: A mass of writhing flesh explodes from the seams in the suit and attempts to envelop a target. Body save or else be engulfed taking 1d10 DMG per round from constriction, as well as being rendered blind and restrained. If a target is killed by this, the False Astronaut regains a Wound. Cannot be performed in vacuum.

Behavior: If the False Astronaut is attacked it turns and attacks the threat. It will make use of objects close to hand around as makeshift weapons. If it gains a Wound it tries to disengage and flee to the buried ship. If it reaches it, it will emerge fully healed after 20 minutes.

If the spacesuit is breached in a vacuum it is knocked prone and viscous fluid bubbles out to seal the breach. It gets up the next round and carries on. This triggers a Sanity save if anyone is not already aware of what is inside the suit.

Opening the visor shows an undulating press of flesh and viscera against the helmet glass. Opening the suit reveals a confused jumble of flesh and bone clinging in strands to the inside surfaces of the suit. Either of these actions trigger Sanity saves the first time they are witnessed. Testing the contents of the suit reveal it to be the DNA of whoever was disassembled last mixed with unknown organic substances (Sanity save for anyone revealed these results).

Artemis Base Camp

A small outpost established at the Moon’s south pole. This location was chosen due to the proximity of water ice in nearby craters and because it gets near constant sunlight. The majority of the habitat is buried under piled up regolith to protect inhabitants from cosmic rays.

  • Crew Quarters: Small rooms that fit a bed and minor storage and a shared bathroom.
  • Galley: A kitchen for food storage and preparation.
  • Lab: A basic lab for materials testing. Also contains storage for tools for geological samples and base maintenance: Toolkit (Drills, wrenches, screwdrivers), hammers, shovels, pickaxes, electronic repair kits, flashlights.
  • Airlock: Crew spacesuits plus two spare.

Water Extraction Plant
This facility takes deliveries from the crater mining sites and extracts water and other volatiles. The Lunar Regolith Excavator (L-Rex) and Lunar Transporter (L-Tran) are stored here when not in use.

Solar Array
A field of photovoltaic panels arranged vertically capture the sun skimming the horizon. Thick electrical lines wind to the habitat proper. Electric powered rovers are plugged into the array charging their batteries.

Nuclear Reactor
A micro fission nuclear reactor has been established to carry the camp through the two week window of darkness the south pole goes through each year. It provides output equivalent to the usage of a typical house, so operations are limited during this time.

The Human Landing System vehicle allows transfer to and from the lunar surface to the Gateway station in orbit. This vehicle allows transfer to and from the lunar surface to the Gateway station in orbit.

The Buried Ship

Buried beneath ice and regolith is a clearly alien structure. Though comprised of metal and synthetics it looks grown rather than built. This is a ship of alien origin that crashed in the lunar crater and has been trapped here awaiting discovery.

As the structure is approached interlocking hexagonal pieces fold away from a doorway allowing passage. Because of the angle of the ship this is tilted down, such that anyone standing over it will fall into the airlock”. If open, it is easy to jump out under the Moon’s low gravity.

After entering it closes and begins to fill with a viscous liquid, opening an interior door when full. The same liquid is found throughout the ship. It is slow to move through, imposing disadvantage on rolls relating to moving quickly. Those traveling through the fluid can feel pulses and waves transmitted through it from an unknown source.

The ship is small, essentially the airlock” and a wide interior chamber. Inside, the sinuous curves of the walls are embedded at irregular intervals with glowing lights and knobby protrusions.

Suspended in the central chamber is Mission Specialist Pace Stevenson’s neatly disassembled body suspended in the fluid: organs, muscle, bone and tissue separated and spread out like an anatomical display (Sanity save [-]). If studied closely, one can notice the eyes follow anyone in the chamber (Sanity save [-] and Panic).

Hidden in the shadows of the ceiling are spindly metallic limbs, which lash out at anyone entering the chamber attempting to take them apart (Body save or be grabbed, taking a Wound per round). The arms move unimpeded through the fluid but focus on their task at hand ignoring anyone else. Witnessing the arms at work triggers a Fear save.

The arm assembly can be broken by being dealt 10 or more damage but rebuild themselves over the course of an hour.

People disassembled by the arms aren’t technically dead as long as they are suspended in the fluid but cannot interact with anything and have 1 HP, take 20 Stress, and Panic. Of course, there is no obvious way to reverse their condition.

Shortly after someone is disassembled perturbations can be felt in the chamber fluid and some of it begins to turn the color of flesh and organs. It forces its way into the discarded spacesuit of the victim forming a new False Astronaut, then makes its way to the airlock and out of the ship. Anyone who acts quickly enough can follow it into the airlock to escape.

July 3, 2024